I know this was a little bit ago but I have been forgetting to post it! I got together with some of my cohort friends that I graduated with for lunch. It was really great to see everyone again. It is bitter sweet because we are all going our separate ways. Taryn (next to me) is moving to California where her husband got a job, Alisa (on the left) is getting married in July, Emily and Taryn are expecting babies in the fall and then Alisa and I have teaching jobs for the fall as well! So this was probably one of the last times to be together. These girls are so much fun and I am glad to have gotten to know them as much as I did! We went to lunch at Magleby's Fresh (Love it!) and then I introduced them to my new favorite snack. The Apple Pie Carmel Dipped Apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (I'm not sure thats the real name of it but its something like that!) It was tons of fun!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Bitter Sweet
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
3:14 PM
Camp Shalom!

Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
2:17 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Prep for Girls Camp!

Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
4:22 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
My cute Husband
Yesterday I had to work until about 6:30 and so on the way out the door to work I told him that I wasn't sure what to do for dinner since I had visiting teacher coming over at 7:00 and I wouldn't have time to do much. So on my way home from work he calls and says "Hurry home, I have dinner in the oven!" When I got home he had made a casserole and the table was all set! It was the cutest thing to see him have everything ready right when I got home. That was so nice to come home to. I asked him where he got the recipe cause I didn't recognize it as anything I have made before. He said he just looked on the internet and found it and we had everything that it called for! It was really good so I even wrote the recipte down to make it again! Matthew is so helpful and he just does things like this that make me smile!!
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
3:11 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Line Dancing
I am the beehive advisor in my ward and absolutly love it! For one of the midweek activities they wanted to learn how to dance. So I taught them how to line dance! Well about a week later one of the beehives asked me if I would come to her middle school to teach line dancing. They were having a big country dance party the last day of school and wanted me to come teach the 6th, 7th and 8th graders! So on Friday I had to take off work and go to their school. It was so fun! I was impressed how both guys and girls were willing to learn. They caught on quick!! They had a lot of fun and we even had a competition bewteen the guys and girls and from my view they tied! Anyway it was so cool to see all these young kids just trying so hard to be coordinated and get the rhythm! It was just such a fun experience!
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
2:35 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
So I was in Costo yesterday by myself for only one purpose--to pick up pictures at the photo center. Which I just found out that you can send in your pictures online and then in an hour pick them up for the same awesome price. I used to have to go inside, drop off pics and then come back in an hour. So I was really excited to learn that they do it online. Points for Costco!! So that was really my only reason for going and that is even near the very front of the store. But then I thought about the samples they always have in the food section. So yes, I really did walk all the way over to the gocery area just to check. And to my delight there were samples all over!! So I made my way through the asiles just to try all of them. So what was suppost to be a very short drop in to Costco turned into a hunt to see if I had tested everything they were sampling. Anyway it was just really fun and random and I thought I would share!
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
1:36 PM