Sunday, July 04, 2010

Austin's New Favorite Thing

Standing! He loves to pull himself up to stand. He pulls himself up on everything. This is how I find him every morning and after naptime.
He especially loves to pull himself up next to the bathtub. He is also starting to get into everything that is within his reach. Sometimes when he is standing he will let go and be balancing all by himself before falling down! There's no walking yet but I bet it will come soon enough.


Aubrey Jane said...

Oh, he is soooo cute! I LOVE the picture where he is standing up holding onto the basket and smiling so big. I can't wait to see him and I'm so happy that I will be there to celebrate his first birthday!

Jenna said...

SO cute! I love the one of him standing at the piano-trying to be like daddy! I have never seen your Austin letters done-they look really good!

All Fun Family said...

What a cutie! I bet you really have to chase him around the house now that he can get into more things.