I seem to always have a few projects going on at once so it's exciting when one gets done! Here are a couple of things I have completed recently. First is a bean bag chair for Austin. I had a crafty friend help me with it. It was a very fun project and I picked out the fabric to match Austin's room. One thing I found is that bean bag stuffing is very pricey. So I improvised and stuffed it with some packing peanuts from the post office! It actually works quite well as long as Matthew or I don't try to cannon ball onto it. Austin loves his new chair!
Second I made a quilt! As Matthew and I were cleaning things out while getting ready to move we found we had a lot of BYU shirts. However, I couldn't bear to just get rid of them since they all have memories attached to them. So I decided to save them by making a T-shirt quilt. I have never quilted before and the task seemed very daunting at first. But from carefully studying some tutorials online and getting advice from the ladies at the fabric store I was able to put it together! It's not going on my bed or anything, it's more for going on a picnic or spreading out on the grass, but its so fun to look at all the shirts and remember our BYU days.
Merry Christmas 🎄
2 years ago
Greg and I LOVE the bean bag you made. We want to make one too. Can you tell me how you did it? Did you use a pattern? What kind of fabric did you use? Tell me all.
Wow they both look great! I have been wanting to make a t-shirt quilt for forever.
Great work! I love them both!
I LOVE how the quilt turned out!! Good job! Way impressed!
i love the quilt! i've been planning on doing that with all our t-shirts too! hew did you connect the back to the front? like did you do any ties or anything or just sew around the edge?
Instead of doing ties I sewed little squares in between all the t-shirts on the BYU print that you see in strips. It blended in really good so you can't even tell.
Ihe bean bag is so creative, but the quilt ROCKS! LOVE it! What a great idea!
Very nice Shan! I'm pretty impressed with you!
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