Kensley Dawn was born at 10 pm today Jan 29, 2012. 7lbs 9oz's, 19inches long, blondish hair. Here are a couple pics until Shanna can post the whole story.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Kensley Dawn Graff
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
11:54 PM
Friday, January 20, 2012
Pinterest and Projects
So yes, I have been sucked into pinterest and sometimes spend too much time there but I love having a place to keep all my ideas and projects together online. I say "my" ideas but lets be honest, I get most of my ideas from other people's projects, pictures and creativity. I especially love getting ideas for recipes, preschool things to do at home, and home decor projects.
During the Christmas break we didn't travel at all and I was in nesting mode. It was perfect since Matthew could be home to help with projects. It ended up being a fabulous and very productive holiday break. We got so much done in preparation for little baby girl to come. I really kept Matthew busy with moving furniture, redoing all our bedroom furniture hardware, moving and putting up pictures and things on walls and helping me find and dig out all our newborn stuff. So I just wanted to post a few of the projects we were able to get done.
Table and Chairs
I have been wanted to get Austin his own table and chair set for a long time. He finally got a set for Christmas from Matthew's parents. It's perfect except it didn't really match our house so we stained the wood and covered the chairs with fabric. I love how it turned out!

These are all the recipes I have recently pinned, made and loved!
-Cheesy Veggie Chowder
-Healthy Breakfast Smoothie
-Shrimp with Avocado-Mango Salsa
-Poppy Seed Chicken
- Pizza Balls
-Creamy Parmesan Orzo
-BLT Pasta Salad
Outside Porch
We have a back porch that up until now has mostly been used for storage, garbage and collecting dust. But with this great weather we have been having I really wanted the space to be useful. Matthew cleaned up and dusted the whole porch, turned a spare piece of wood into a table, and got a play rug for the ground and now we have a whole new play area for Austin. He loves being outside and loves to drive his cars on something other than the ground so this was so perfect!
Matthew also sanded these blocks we got from Austin's great grandpa. We have a ton of them and Austin loves building with them. In the picture he is making houses for his cars.
Little Girl Things
And of course I have been working on some things for our little girl coming soon! I pinned and followed this tutorial to make some felt flowers for headbands. I also made some girly burp cloths for those not so girly spit up messes.
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
2:52 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Two And a Half
Austin is now almost closer to three than two! Whoa! He is in such a fun phase right now. However, I feel like I say that through all the different phases he has gone through. But at this point he is really growing up into this little boy that we just love so much. Here are some updates for him:
-He communicates and talks so much now. I can understand pretty much anything he says and his little sentence combinations are just so cute.
-He favorite thing right now are cars, trucks and trains. He loves to drive them on tracks, the couch or on the bed. He also loves to play with matching sets or pairs of cars. (His mama is a little into matching sets so maybe that's where he gets it from!)
-He is just over 3 feet tall (60th percentile) and weighs 33 pounds (80th percentile)
-One of the biggest changes is that he is now in a toddler bed and has been for about 2 weeks. The transition have been great! He loves his bed and will stay in bed when he goes down for naps and bedtime. The only down side is that my wake-up call is now quite early. But it was time and it's been a very smooth transition. I know this picture is extremely dark but we snuck in the first night he slept in it to get a picture.
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
10:24 PM
Friday, January 06, 2012
36 weeks
I am definitely in the very uncomfortable stage and don't sleep very well. It gets really hard to play trains with Austin on the floor and that is all he seems to want to do these days. However besides that I have been feeling great and feeling very excited for her arrival. Austin loves to touch my belly and to give baby girl hugs. I keep hoping that this will be a smooth transition for him. Obviously there will be an adjustment period and I know there will be some issues with giving attention so we will see how this goes.
Matthew has been so great during this last phase in pregnancy including doing things for me that are getting hard like giving Austin baths, doing house chores and telling me I look pretty. That's like the best thing to hear when you feel huge and anything but pretty. So time is winding down and we are getting ready!
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
11:38 PM