Anyone else sad that there are no more Harry Potter movies to look forward to? Matthew and I have loved the series both reading and watching and enjoyed a date night going to see the last movie recently. We thought it ended very well.
Another thing we both love is BYU and their comedy group Divine Comedy. They are funny but sometime only in a dorky BYU kind of way.
So, If you appreciate and BYU and Harry Potter than this is worth watching. Click here.
And if that video didn't do it for you here are a couple others of my little dude that I think are way worth watching!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
HP and BYU
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
8:25 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Austin's Birthday Party
Austin helped me with the cupcakes by putting in a train flag when I was done frosting each one. He loved helping.
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
7:41 PM
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Austin Turns 2
This week my little boy turned 2! He has changed so much over the past few months and is really a full out toddler boy. He has really picked up talking. He can put two and three words together. Some of his most often phrases are "big truck" "cold water" "Austin's car" "snack!" "red truck" and many others. He will sometimes just babble a whole story to me like its the most important thing for me to hear. He will sometimes repeat back new words he hears or just make up his own version. The worst one is milk. Austin saying milk sounds very clearly like the F word. It's horrible! I don't know how that transferred but I try to avoid that word in public as much as I can! He knows most of his alphabet but I think his favorite letters are B and W. He always points them out when we see them.
Austin's favorite things right now are cars and trucks. He would play with them all day! He is also very into fire trucks, ambulances, trains and buses. He loves to line up all his cars and trucks to make trains. (I think he got that from his cousin Cade!) He also love Mommy to play cars with him and wants us to crash and drive all over. His favorite spot to play cars is on our couch. He will sit on it or kneel next to it and drive cars all around the cushions and pillows.
He is also really into his teddy bear, puppy dog and baby doing things with him like sitting at the table to eat, reading books and things like that. He loves to give hugs and kisses other babies and likes to identify when people are happy and sad or when different things are big or small. Reading books is another of his favorite things and can he say some of the words to books we read often.
Austin is still very much a picky eater and is also very sensitive when it comes to textures. He just recently started to eat cut up strawberries and peaches but won't touch them with his hand, he has to use a fork. He still hates most vegetables and it's a struggle to get any veggies into him. On the flip side though Austin is a fantastic sleeper. He still takes one long nap in the middle of the day and then sleeps 10-11 hours at night. He has to have binkie and blanket while going to sleep but is the easiest toddler to put to bed. At two Austin is 30 lbs and 35 inches tall.
Here are a few pictures and things we have done lately.
Playing at the children's museum on Austin's birthday. His favorite things to do are to play with the kitchen and in the marketplace.
Austin and I enjoying some free bagel poppers at Einstein Bagels. He loved sitting in a big boy chair and sharing a snack with mommy.
Just yesterday I went to get Austin after his nap and he told me that he was reading a book to his teddy bear, baby and puppy dog. So cute!
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
2:54 PM
Monday, July 11, 2011
How Fun!
Too bad there isn't one close to me. I would have been all over that! I guess I will settle for a free slurpie today at 7-11. (Since today is 7/11).
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
12:46 PM
Saturday, July 09, 2011
4th of July
We had Matthew's parents in town over the holiday weekend. Austin loves his Nonna and Pa and really warmed up to them quickly. We mostly had a low key weekend and just talked and enjoyed each other's company all the while taking turns playing cars with Austin :)
On the 4th, Matthew and his dad went golfing in the morning while Matthew's mom, Austin and I went shopping at the outlets. Then we all came back and napped :) In the afternoon we went swimming and grilled up some hamburgers. We actually didn't see any fireworks since it was still over 100 degrees at 9pm and Austin isn't that fun when he misses his bedtime but we enjoys milkshakes at home and it still ended our day great!
Posted by
Matthew and Shanna
4:14 PM