Yes, Matthew is done with final exams for this quarter and he has a break from school for the next couple of weeks. However, he also got another break. He broke his leg this weekend playing basketball! We took him to the ER and found out that he fractured his tibia. It's so sad. This happened on his first day of freedom from class and he is now confined to the couch or to crutches and is in a lot of pain. We were also scheduled to leave town and fly to Texas this morning but that obviously didn't happen. Tomorrow morning Matthew is going in for surgery. They have to put in a metal plate and screw in his leg to reattach the bone together. Let's hope everything goes well. This is how Matthew can be found lately:
Poor guy. He will be on crutches for about 6-8 weeks.
Merry Christmas 🎄
1 year ago
We are so sorry this happened! We will be praying that all goes well with the surgery. Lots of love to all of you!
That is such a ripper! I am so sorry Shanna! Does this totally cancel the Texas plans?
This really sucks. I have to say though out of all the ways he could break his leg this sounds pretty straight forward. Good luck with surgery.
Gosh, that's such a bummer! Are you guys still going to go to Texas then?
that is crappy. I hope he heals fast and that you guys can still enjoy his time off.
Poor guy :( The only good point is that he got through finals. Let me know if we can do anything at all for you guys. Get better soon Matthew!!!
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