Yes, that is Austin's nickname. I'm not sure how it came about, but it is the one that has stuck. Our little dude is now 15 months old. He has changed so much over the last few weeks and is more of a toddler now than my little baby boy. Here are his new developments:
-He has 8 teeth now. (4 of them came in at the same time last week)
-weighs 25 lbs (70 percentile)
-Is 32 inches tall (80 percentile)
-He is a walking machine. He started walking at 14 months and now just wants to walk everywhere. However, he is a little too confident in his new ability and therefore always has bumps and bruises from falling down.
-Austin loves spoons of any kind. Whenever we go anywhere Austin has a spoon in hand. It's even kind of a joke now whenever we go to the pool, playgroup, store, etc. He just loves to stir things and scoop things.
-He is also really into pots and pans lately. In the picture below you can see he set out all the pans and gave them all lids! He would play with them all day long. So I got him his own mini set which he loves! (Notice all the spoons in the background. The bigger the spoon, the more he wants it)
-Austin has become such a picky eater. I can count about 8 things that I know he will eat and none of those are veggies! He has really started to want to feed himself so maybe that will help but we are really trying hard to expand his menu.
-He has finally learned to drink from a sippy cup. Yes, it really has taken him this long! He nursed just fine but it took him awhile to figure out how to use the sippy cup.
-Austin loves to do things he sees Matthew and I do. His favorite things to imitate are brushing teeth, putting on makeup, stirring cooking food (of course), talking on the cell phone and putting on shoes.
-Austin has been learning baby sign. He can sign milk, water, eat, more, all done, cookie, bird, bath, hat, book and ball.
-He is learning body parts and can point to his head, ears, eyes, nose, and belly button.
-I love my little dude face!
Merry Christmas 🎄
2 years ago
HAHA, so funny, I totally call Aaron dude face since I was around you so much. I didn't even realize I was doing it until a couple weeks ago I called him that in front of someone and they said, "Dude Face?", lol. Austin is so adorable. I love every fact you shared. I think it's so cute that he has his own set of pots and pans. It's so funny the things kids become obsessed with. Wow, 4 teeth in one week! You should get an award for that. At least they are through and done, this round at least. I miss you guys soooo much!
Sweet boy!
I think Kate will do exactly what Austin did with the 4 teeth at once. Yikes! And it is reassuring to hear that he is signing now. I sign to my kids and I know they understand me but they don't do it back, you give me hope!
that is a cute picture of him with all the pots and pans! Thanks for comming over today, Addie enjoys a play mate and I am always thrilled to have someone to talk to :)
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